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Help with Hot Flashes

Women's Health | Last Active: Dec 30, 2023 | Replies (43)

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I am 65 and have had hot flashes ever since I had a hysterectomy at 40. I always knew they were coming because of slight nausea and heat that I can only compare to a super hot light turned on in my chest and then the sweats. I equate the feeling to "flu like." My mother had hot flashes in to her 80's. I have been using HRT patches (ESTROGEN ONLY) for over 20 years. My doctors through the years told me to think about discontinuing, that I should quit - telling me of the dangers but quality of life PLUS my bone health were worth the chance for me. And yes, stress brings the flashes on for me also. Very annoying and embarrassing in the workplace or really anywhere. I tried to quit one time and it was unbearable. It is interesting to me that now after all these years, my current doctors and research I have seen say the benefits outweigh the dangers. Just the opposite of what I was told years ago. My mother had breast cancer at 72 and she used no HRT. I have had 2 breast biopsies 10 years apart and neither were cancer. I had to make a choice long ago.

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Replies to "I am 65 and have had hot flashes ever since I had a hysterectomy at 40...."

I am exactly like you, I'm turning 65 and had a hysterectomy at 40, night sweats started a couple of years after. I also have done HRT patches for 20 years. I tried going off them several times, and night sweats were unbearable. I tried doing bio-identical hormones also with no luck. Tried natural supplements on top of that. I do find that alcohol especially red wine, makes it worse as does spicy food. Last mammogram should changes that need further testing and watching, so again I peeled off my patch and I'm going to try and tough it out. Not fair that some of us suffer for so many, many years with hot flashes. Doctors have no answer for me, other than some women suffer more than others.