← Return to Common? Hard to prove epilepsy to the doctor when the EEG is normal.

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It would be nice if some of the physicians would read the epilepsy forums. Epilepsy is such an individualized condition but just because someone isn’t showing symptoms that the doctors think they should isn’t an indication that they don’t have the condition. But many people have told me after they went to an epilepsy center and they had a seizure that was actually recorded the doctor was finally willing to except the diagnosis of epilepsy. There are some specific signs of PNES vs Epilepsy which is one reason why taking a video of a seizure is very beneficial.
Take care,

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Replies to "@mxyzptlk32 It would be nice if some of the physicians would read the epilepsy forums. Epilepsy..."


It never crossed my mind a physician wouldn't already know this. I guess I expect a certain level of intelligence and reasoning ability from a doctor. I would accept it as a challenge but that is me.