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DiscussionTold you have Adult PME w/negative testing?
Epilepsy & Seizures | Last Active: Nov 26, 2020 | Replies (34)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "It’s been a while since my last post but felt I needed to update that my..."
Tena, I am so sorry, so hard..... I am not sure if this helps, but I remember feeling so hopeless, that I called Mayo myself & referred my son. They were more then gracious & had me fax all his info. & they scheduled him an appointment.
Although I can only relate to your sons Tonic-Clonic seizures I have been navigating the medical maze looking for answers to my Epilepsy for over 50 years and so far they have proven to be quite elusive. A neurologist told me my epilepsy was caused by my birth and since he wasn’t there and had no information regarding my birth I don’t know how he could come to that conclusion. Personally I believe it was caused when a so called friend hit me in the head with a baseball bat. I believe @caseybach gave you the best advice. I would try to get him admitted into the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center which is a level 4 Center and rated #1 in the Country. I doubt you could find a better facility than Mayo Epilepsy Center. Like your son my seizures were never controlled until they just stopped one day when I was 58 or 59 although PME (Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy) is rare as are some other Epilepsies I have never understood why doctors bother to say it’s rare when it hits so close to home, what difference does it make. I have been hospitalized more times than I care to remember for so-called rare Epilepsy events and have known too many people who have died from the so-called rare conditions like in Status S.U.D.E.P. (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy)
I certainly hope you get in to the Mayo Clinic and get the help your son so desperately needs.
@possumm Hello Tena,
I am so glad that you posted an update about your son's condition. I am sorry to hear that his situation has not improved. It must be heartbreaking to see this deterioration and not to be able to do anything about it.
Your anger and frustration with your current medical team are certainly understandable. You are doing a great job advocating for your son and you deserve the support of his current doctor.
Is your son's doctor now willing to process the referral to Mayo?