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Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 13 hours ago | Replies (384)

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I have had mental health issues surrounding depression and anxiety, and poisonous/codependent relationships in my life. In an attempt to try to figure it out, I turned to self-help books [often!] and professional therapy [when deemed needed], all the meanwhile continuing to journal. While there are people who might shudder to think of someone raising their hand to say "Yep, I've been there", for me it is a matter of honesty with myself. I can review some writings and really see how the journey has been, and grateful to be here today.

So, what are some of those books on my shelf? "Grapho-Therapeutics, Pen and Paper Therapy" by Paul de Sainte Colombe. "The Power of Your other Hand" and "The Well-Being Journal" both by Lucia Capacchione. Books by Julia Cameron including "The Artist's Way", "The Right to Write", and "The Writing Diet". "The Invitation", "The Dance", and "What We Ache For" all by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Oh, there are more! Ones that give me a reading for each day of the year, and a chance to write. Everything has underlines, notes in the margins, comments inside the covers.

Do you have a book or prompt or quote that you have referred to often, to help you get through a rough spot?

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Replies to "I have had mental health issues surrounding depression and anxiety, and poisonous/codependent relationships in my life...."

@gingerw Thanks for sharing the book list. Am curious what you thought of The Artist's Way? Reviewed it a bit and concerned about doing it alone as it might open some old wounds. What was your experience?

@gingerw Have you heard or read Natalie Goldberg book Writing Down the Bones? She shares her process of writing.

@gingerw I've been contemplating your question about if I have a book or quote to help me get out of a rough patch, but I don't. At times I refer to Psalms 139 which helps me to think someone is watching over me.
Pardon the delay in responding.