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Severe Stenosis - Doc advises surgery

Spine Health | Last Active: Jan 23 10:05pm | Replies (64)

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Hi. If I pass the psychological assessment, I'm going to have a SCS trial later this summer. I read with interest your comment about a SCS helping a fair amount. Could you elaborate a bit about the ways in which it has helped you. For example, how far can you walk compared to before? What other forms of exercise can you do? Etc.
I had an L5/S1 microdiscectomy in 2010 during which the surgeon tore the dura. That was the start of ever increasing nerve pain. Was on opiates for 8 years but in 2018 I graduated from Mayo's 3-week pain rehab program. Had been doing okay but then about 18 months ago I developed allodynia in both buttocks. Now sitting has become terribly painful. In addition, I now have right-side lumbar pain and shoulder pain. It feels like my whole right side from lumbar to neck is trying to compensate for pain & weakness. Hurts to sit, stand, walk. Only time I get relief is when I'm asleep of lying on my left side with pillow between my knees.
I'm 65 years old and have gotten lots worse in 10 years. Fearful for what the next 10 will bring.

Thanks for any further info you can provide about your SCS. (By the way, what kind is it? I'm have a trial of Nevro's HF-10).


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Replies to "Hi. If I pass the psychological assessment, I'm going to have a SCS trial later this..."

Hi! I am sorry you are so miserable, your pain sounds horrible. I don’t know if s SCS will address your shoulder issue, that is something for your pain doctor to address. (Of course having less pain anywhere is better than no relief?!) I trialed and now have a Medtronics Intellis system. Before I had it, I couldn’t sit for any length of time and now I can sit in a chair and watch tv or be on a desktop computer. I haven’t gone to a movie but I got it in late Jan and by time I was healed, Covid had become an issue 😢 I had been unable to walk far at all without pain. Now I am at times able to do mile to two miles. Sometimes my R foot will start to bother me, occ my leg, but very sporadic. The foot is quite possibly related to a previous accident years before and NOT to my spinal problem at all. In general, I have to say it has improved my life quality overall! I love to be in flower gardens/yard. Before I could barely be out there more than an hour or two, now it’s up to 5 hours. Digging, bending, squatting, planting, etc! Amazing. I might be generally sore all over that evening, but it’s from arthritis in many places, not solely related to spinal issues. Mostly my neck, actually, which is a hot mess. LOL. I especially notice that I am not counting down hours to my next dose of aspirin or ES acetaminophen. Before I was taking one or two Vicodin (lowest dose) late afternoon - bedtime. Now if I do, it’s 1/2 tablet at bedtime because my neck is really uncomfortable. So overall, for me, it has made a big difference. One thing: I REALLY made sure I followed all the instructions postop in what NOT to do. Difficult as I live alone, but I really did not want yo mess things up! Follow instructions! :>) Good luck!

What is Allodynia in your buttocks? My pain is similar to yours. No relief.