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Good afternoon @jeremy17, I just stopped by this discussion to see how things were going for you. I notice that you had a meeting with your oncologist. How did that go? What did you learn? Was it helpful to have your wife with you to take notes. and what kind of a reception did your list of questions get from the clinician?

In your reply, you asked me some questions. I wanted to make sure and get back to you after my appointment. Also, I wanted to clarify my sentence about having the same words on both your report and mine. I was referring to standard terms like malignant, benign, tissue, cell, carcinoma, etc. My symptoms are not the same as yours.

So here is mine.
Diagnosis: Invasive well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.

Essentially, this means that the tumor that connects with my sternum is malignant. The first step is another surgical procedure next week to make sure everything is removed. Then there will be more tests after healing and some thought about continued prevention if required. So I will probably be doing some treatment research.

Where are you in your journey? I am very interested in your progress emotionally as well as physically. Staying calm and controlled is very healthy. Having a "buddy" to be with you is a major plus when it comes to managing health issues. I am very lucky in that department. I hope you are also working together as partners with your team of clinicians and your wife/family.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.

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Replies to "Good afternoon @jeremy17, I just stopped by this discussion to see how things were going for..."

Hello @artscaping

I am sorry to hear that surgery will be needed. Has a surgery date been set yet?

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis and impending surgery. But at least it will certainly be a step to remove and hopefully cure the cancer.

I am finally about to make a post giving an update for my situation.

Take care, and thank you for your kind words and concern. Good luck to you and you'll be in my prayers.