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@rwinney thank you, although it can be difficult at times I prefer no more worries since the doctors are not sure. Why should I take the potential risk? All medications get broken down either in the kidneys or liver. With any medical benefit there may also be a side effect risk that can cause permanent damage. Some side effects may be irreversible. It is always a good Idea to check with a medical doctor and get his or her opinion but ultimately it is the patient’s decision whether or not to take a drug. I am lucky my doctors support my decisions. Besides, I am the one that lives with a condition not them. Good to know about the B12 levels. Not enough B12 due to the lack of ability to absorb through digestion is called pernicious anemia. I am glad you found help with your dilemma. Do you have issues with overheating anymore?

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Replies to "@rwinney thank you, although it can be difficult at times I prefer no more worries since..."

I'm happy you are at peace with your decision and your Drs support you. I dont have the same kind of B12 defiiciency problems as I described earlier but yes I still do have to be careful of overheating, migraines, etc... my body is not what it used to be. I never found a clear reason for B12 deficiency...I've researched pernicious anemia and had some different tests done, all except an extensive liver test. No findings. Could have been improper diet. When I told my neurologist that I'd like to know the cause of my deficiency, he said that not many people care to figure out out. He referred me to a specialist and I felt like it was a waste of time after a few tests in. I also have chronic copper poisoning to which Wilson's disease was ruled out and that's where that ended. Getting off meds is the right thing to do. Time will tell for me. Take care and thanks for the chat.