← Return to Mako Robotic Arm TKR Six Months


Mako Robotic Arm TKR Six Months

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Jul 20, 2020 | Replies (28)

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@ellerbracke sorry for the delay in responding. Now I am going on 8 months. I don't have the pain or soreness or ache that you mention, although there is still some numbness. It seems to be continually fading, so I have some hope that it will go away. The fact that there is still some numbness means the knee does not feel like the other one yet - it is not simply there, I am conscious of it. I can tell that even sitting here at the computer if I move my leg slightly. I think you might be right in saying that the pain comes from muscle compensation or simply the realignment of ligaments and breaking of connective tissue, which can cause various kinds of pain that moves around. Sometimes when I massage my knee, which I still do myself to help with the numbness, I feel a place that is more sensitive - meaning I didn't realize it before I massaged the tissue. I work on it and try to massage the areas around it, and then it usually goes away. I suspect the sensitivity is caused by ongoing healing. I also still do not feel comfortable kneeling on the surgery knee, although that also seems to be improving slight; not sure if I will ever really want to kneel on it. Overall I am happy with the results. Sounds to me like you are getting plenty of exercise and doing everything you need to do. I don't walk as much as you but when I do walk, it all seems fine.

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Replies to "@ellerbracke sorry for the delay in responding. Now I am going on 8 months. I don't..."

@saeternes : I dimly remember the numb area on my knee following the TKR. I was super lucky that by the end of PT, around 11 or 12 weeks after the surgery, all I had left was a numb spot the size of a pencil eraser. Totally gone about a month after that. I’ll check in from time to time to see if you make real progress with the kneeling. I can kneel, but is is not a “useful” kneeling. Meaning: I can’t kneel, lean forward -as in cleaning floor behind commode - and put real weight on the kneecap. Feels like I’m kneeling on a steel bar, which, in a way, it is!