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How I wish I could acquire your habits. I'm not fond of cooking anymore. I'm 77, and I don't have much enthusiasm for it or many other of my old hobbies. Marie

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Replies to "How I wish I could acquire your habits. I'm not fond of cooking anymore. I'm 77,..."

Mummy, it is not that I cook so much but that I have this raw food from the garden and I need to use it up. Some times I just chop and eat the raw veggies and cook the next day. Or I cook more at one time and eat the leftovers the next day. A good size pot of soup can last several days or I put a serving or two in the freezer for when I just don't want to dirty the kitchen. If you purchase more fresh food, you will like the flavor better. Buy something different, like Brussel sprouts and find a recipe with cheese on it. Put it in the oven. You can put different things in plain brown rice to make it more interesting and flavorful. I like my odd combinations I put together. My family thinks I am a little weird but they have learned to accept my throwing extra veggies in a dish. Beside, it looks pretty when you add red sweet peppers to green veggies. I add peas to French onion soup. Or maybe, little scraps of meat. It all tastes good to me these days. Dorisena

I have had friends who decided they didn't need to go to the effort to cook anymore, and one of them soon was very sick. Since I live alone, I have learned how important it is to care about myself and treat myself well with cooking. No one else is doing it for me. So I practice treating myself well. I am worth the effort. On the days I don't want to cook, I eat dishes I put in the freezer that provide what I need for a balanced diet. Yes, I don't have high interest in my old hobbies, but am learning it is o.k. to go easy some days, so long as I don't deprive myself of good health care. Once in a while my granddaughter offers to get take out from a restaurant and she is learning what I will and won't eat, so that is a good feeling. Most people don't consider my diabetic needs, or they forget my condition. Mummy, you are worth the best care there is, and you will feel good when you do it whether or not the sweeping and dusting ever gets done well.