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Have you read the newer approach to your diet to lower blood sugar naturally? I have read a couple of articles and purchased a book with new recommendations. I can't do the recommended exercises but I can do some of the food changes which help a lot. I never have relied on meds for my diabetes issues and have learned to avoid certain foods permanently which has been a big help. I also eat a high fiber diet and have little stress in my life at this time. Also I have studied depression and have learned to change my thinking to a more positive mode and be grateful for my little successes. I would not take meds for depression, but I would change my life and the people in it if necessary to have better health. I believe in eating new foods and there are lists on the web that recommend the best and safest foods for your particular needs. I can't do the very low carb diets out there, but I can count carbs very well and be satisfied to limit them.
Temporarily, I would accept some insulin shots as I did in the hospital some years ago when the pain medication raised my blood sugar.
When I came home, I quit the pain meds and the numbers came back down to prediabetic levels. I firmly believe in eating a low carb diet regardless of what the family or anyone else says, and searching for new foods that help you feel satisfied. It works for me. Dorisena

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Replies to "Have you read the newer approach to your diet to lower blood sugar naturally? I have..."

Do you know what glycemic index is for certain foods? Get on the web and follow that guide. Although there can be conflicting information, I benefit from what I learn by studying the latest information. Meds alone are not the total remedy for diabetes. And each person is different, but altering your diet and enjoying what you eat can bring good rewards, I believe. Also check out your meds to see if any of them cause a rise in blood levels. Have you had your thyroid level checked? Are you active? Can you lose weight? That is a tough one for most of us, I know. Stay away from fast food and junk food. It is no longer your friend. Dorisena