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When first diagnosed, I took no medicines for diabetes. Then the doctor prescribed one Metformin at night. I was starved by morning. The endocrinologist said to take two Metformin at night, and that made me nauseous. So I cut back the one pill, and after some time took two pills because the AIC was rising.
I was tired of being hungry in the night and in the morning. I just did a home test with a AIC test kit I purchased at Walmart, and I was down to 6.1, so I am going to cut back to one Metformin for the summer and eat out of my garden. My blood pressure is declining and I have cut those pills as well. I feel I am making good progress and am feeling pretty well these days. I just don't sleep well at night unless I work during the day to exhaustion. My family wants me to take it easy in life. I like feeling better and keeping the numbers low and am willing to work at it. I can't go anywhere these days. I read about several of the diabetic pills advertised on the TV and have no interest in trying them because of the risks listed. I can't say enough good about diet change. Dorisena

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Replies to "When first diagnosed, I took no medicines for diabetes. Then the doctor prescribed one Metformin at..."

I didn't know that you can buy an A1c test at Walmart. Thanks for the info. I quit Metformin about 2 weeks ago. It was not done on purpose. I ran out of Metformin and wasn't able to refill. After going without it for 3 or 4 days, I noticed a change. It was if a fog had been lifted, both physically and mentally. I don't think I"ll ever take Metformin again. There seems to be little change in my glucose count. In fact I'm less hungry and my count is lower. Especially at bedtime check. It's good to be rid of all the sore muscles. I was so tired of my body always aching.

I have been on Metformin for years. My numbers have always been terrible. I have felt like I was in a fog, tired, and a bit weak. Well, a week ago I ran out of the Metformin, and couldn't afford to reorder. Guess what? The fog is gone! It just lifted from my whole body. I'm not as tired and weak as I was. Which helped get rid of the depressed feeling. Plus, I don't seem to feel as hungry all the time, like I was when taking the Metformin. Need to go in for a blood test, and I'm wondering what my Dr. will say about this, because my numbers are better too. (eating less). Marie