← Return to Covid may be messing with my DRG Trial


Covid may be messing with my DRG Trial

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 25, 2020 | Replies (75)

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Thanks Jim. The best we can do in life is try our best to deal with our problems, take joy where we can find it and try not to hurt anyone else in the process. We are all dealt a hand of cards to play. I do not believe in luck but destiny which is another way of referring to God's plan. How someone manages to go through this (PN) without that belief and faith is a mystery to me. One must be a VERY strong person to do that. I don't want to get too preachy as that can really be annoying but I just want to say that I truly believe that nothing you go through in life is wasted, no pain, no effort, no anything, it is all for a reason even if we don't know the reason. And I would advise everyone to always keep going because (I know this sounds trite but here goes) when you think everything is lost and you are at your most desperate something can change very unexpectedly, sometimes for the better. Anyway, this is how my wife and I keep going in this crazy life. Our latest hope is for people like Lori with her experience with DRG and Rachel who is going to look for some answers in Florida this month. Best, Hank

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Replies to "Thanks Jim. The best we can do in life is try our best to deal with..."

@jesfactsmon Thanks, Hank, for your words of encouragement. I'm a retired pastor, retired because of mental health issues, and while I was in a brand new facility that's an outreach of a very good hospital, I woke up one morning with the word abandoned on my mind. I've been abandoned by a lot of people, but my first thought was that God is ever present, and would never leave me or forsake me. That awareness is foundational to my course of recovery, and to my life as a whole. We're blessed to have him always with us.
