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Neuropathy in feet and limited toe movement?

Neuropathy | Last Active: May 27 3:51pm | Replies (151)

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@jesfactsmon Sadly, yes I have. It's an ongoing list which I have sent to Mayo for my file. Here it is in all its messy glory.

A few things have settled or shifted since supplementing B12, taking Lyrica and the supplement protocol, but mostly I seem to be stuck with lasting problems. However, I continue to work on them everyday between PT, mild walking and body movement as tolerated and mindset. My PT was waiting until after Mayo to start an occupational therapy regimen, as now he only performs myofacial release once a week and rotates body parts to where the pain is at it worst. I cant wait until October for that. I've been waiting long enough. So, last week he gave me 4 mild, beginner exercises to start for my back. He had wanted to work off of Mayos designed plan for me. But, time is a wasting!

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Replies to "@jesfactsmon Sadly, yes I have. It's an ongoing list which I have sent to Mayo for..."

OK, firstly I believe you've got mindset down. Secondly, YIKES! That is some list! I have to look it over. I'll get back to you in a couple days. (Now where's that thumbs down thingy!)

@rwinney Rachel, Oh Rachel, Oh Rachel!!!! What you are enduring!!!! This list is unbearable. Brutal. You so clearly have autonomic problems along with your small fiber problems. I am so overwhelmed reading this. I suggest that you prioritize your top 3 or 4 problems, so that the doctors have focus. But actually, your descriptions are variations of the same problems hurting various parts of your body. I still would start your final copy with the top 4, right on top. You obviously need testing for the autonomic stuff, too. I do too, actually, as I suffer from getting overheated and totally sweaty, out of the blue. I also feel like my feet are soaked, when they are not. I wish I could wave a magic wand and POOF!!!! All of us are better. By the way, this has nothing to do with sickness; my son also works in pharmaceuticals. He sells the high end cancer drugs to docs, hospitals, etc. One pill can be over one thousand bucks. Is there something wrong with that, or what??? And BIG PHARMA laughs! My son's sales goal for last year was 6 million dollars. Ha! Love you, Rachel Lori

@rwinney ,
WOW that’s some list!!
Are you sure your not a hypochondriac or have Munchausen syndrome? lol
Regardless whoever gets that list is going to earn their money or just give up, one of the other. I know your symptoms aren’t funny but when I saw the size of that list I did chuckle.