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DiscussionMember Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?
Neuropathy | Last Active: Feb 26 1:01pm | Replies (605)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my..."
As if my story wasn't long enough...I wish to add, for anyone who may be in early stages of neuropathy troubleshooting.
I had a negative EMG/Nerve Conduction Study in 2017 and not diagnosed with SFN until 2019. As I learned that Small Fiber Neuropathy is NOT shown in this test, only Large Fiber Neuropathy, I wondered why noone thought to line me up with a skin biopsy earlier to rule out SFN, given my symptoms of nerve dysfunction and not proving Large Fiber through the test.
In retrospect, I do understand that SFN is still very unknown and misunderstood. I will take some of the blame (it's not all on Drs) for not pushing and learning enough during that time. Such foreign territory, especially when you are overwhelmed by pain.
Wow, Rachel, what a crazy 4 years you have been through! You are certainly a friend to the medical profession, you have been seen by a lot of doctors! Linda and I have read your entire saga and are amazed. Amazed by your drive, amazed by your willingness to experiment and amazed by having such an attitude of positivity in the face of such disappointing failures on so many fronts. It sounds like you have put your body through so many type of treatment it's lost track of which way is up. I hope the Mayo program in Florida leads you to some more and better understandings of what your body needs. You mentioned your legs were dying. I am wondering, do you have use of them at this point? And did this all happen to you out of the blue 4 years ago whereby you had okay health prior to that? And if so then you have an idiopathic condition with no known precipitator of it to begin with? Such a strange thing to happen. At least with Linda we understand the cause: chemotherapy. Although in some ways all that knowing that does for you is to feel such immense regret at deciding to do it. Especially now knowing an alternative treatment is available for cancer that is SO much preferable to chemo (which I will happily tell anyone about who is interested by the way). Well, we admire your courage and your pluck Rachel. You are a TROOPER in all the best senses of the word. Best from us both, Hank
Dear Rachel, my heart is breaking to hear all you've been through. I have a similiar story in that I have so many afflictions besides neuropathy. Neuropathy tries to destroy my life. The symptoms are so many. I fight for my sanity and crawal out of my skin. Ug. The Gabapentin and Lyrica have horrible side-effects but am now back on Gabapentin. It helps me not jump! Thankfully I'm a woman of faith and my God is so present and gets me through. His peace through Christ. I know this life is only temporary and I will get a new body some day!!! In the midst of all my diseases and unrelenting, often intolerable pain, I have joy and hope and assurance. I find I have to ask close people to adjust their expectation of me. I hate doing that. No one understands this pain. I00% of the time I tell people when they ask how I am, that these are facts not complaints. I will pray for you when my failing memory allows! Many blessings and warm regards, Sunnyflower
Rachel I feel your pain !!
Hello Rachel my story is lengthy as well. I have been though many testing and have come up with no diagnosis. Unknown cause for my Perpheral Neuropathy. Cut a long story cut, I take lyrica for some of the shocking pain we experience. It's a living nightmare. I started in my late twenties and its become unbearable at 50 and I'm now 56 yrs old.
Regards Helen Holland.
@rwinney thank you for sharing! My journey is very similar to yours. Have you tried dronabinol? it is a synthetic THC that is mostly prescribed to cancer patient. It is very good to take some of my pain away. Can be prescribed by pain management doctor in New York (not sure about other state). Also 5mg of Naltrexone at bed time. II's a compound drug that pharmacist can make when prescribed by your doctor. It work on the opioid receptors and help with pain.
Would you recommend some type of marijuana product; creme to put on lower extremities. Your history is starting to sound like my peripheral neuropathy (pinch nerve) and indio neuropathy (lower calf and feet). I hear about marijuana products, but don't know what to purchase. I appreciate any assistance here.
Your problems sound horrible. I commend you for fighting so long and hard. I have neuropathy in my feet that is getting better after having chemo for breast cancer. I had chilblains and my doctor started me on Nephedipine. Only one tablet stopped it and I had been having the problem for 20 years! Nephedipine is used for high blood pressure, which I had, so it was easy to keep killing 2 birds with one stone. My BP is totally normal now.
Rachel, you have been through it! Bless you.
@rwinney Hi, Rachel. I found myself crying reading this. Your struggles are not to be believed. I would not even know how to respond to everything you have wrote. One thing came to mind, but does knowing even make a difference? I started wondering if you could have CRPS, with all of your traveling pain. Would you believe, another thing about your health came to mind, but my tears washed my thought away. Or was it a senior moment? Could be both. It is really bugging me that I do not remember, because it had to do with diagnosis. I know my heart goes out to you, and if I remember what I forgot, I will post again. You have worked so hard, that it must be utterly exhausting. To have such a clear thinking brain, and a deteriorating body, just kills me. I used to listen to Stephen Hawkings and wonder where/how he got his courage. How do any of us get our courage? Why not give up. Your writings are a testimonial to the human spirit. Your drive overwhelms me. God bless you, Rachel, and may Mayo help you in some way. Love, Lori