So sad: Husband has glioma and I feel he is fading away
My husband has a grade 2 glioma and I feel as if he is fading away. He mixes up words and is very quiet. He just finished his first week of chemo and radiation.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.
@daughterfuturemd Thank you ! Very helpful
Hi I’m not sure how to do a new post on this site
But I was wondering if anyone had had PCV chemo?
Also you and your husband will be in my prayers!
Hello, @user_chea8a92a I’ve not had PCV chemo but, let me check, there may be an ongoing discussion about it. And, we’ll see if we can move your question to a better suited site where it will get more notice
@user_chea8a92a, you can find instructions on how to Start a New Discussion here:
I encourage you to start a new discussion about the chemotherapy regimin procarbazine, lomustine and vincristine (PCV) in the brain tumor group
Good morning @rosez How is everything right now? Even though the world is in such turmoil right now, I hope that everything is OK with you. Do you get Sundays off from driving?
I don't have to drive on Sundays and this week we are staying at a hotel.
I am not doing so well but I am planning to go to counseling when we are home.
I am anxious, depressed, angry and disappointed with myself.
Oh @rosez, don't be so severe with yourself. What you are going through is difficult and no one is perfect, besides, there is no right way to get through. Be good to yourself, you need it to last. We all know here how difficult it is to accompany a seriously ill person. I send you a big warm hug because what you support is really hard: courage, one day, this difficult moment will be behind you. XX
Thank you
Thank you for recommending the Care Giver. After a few chapters, I already feel better. God bless
Thank you