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Thank you so much for your reply. the 50 pound limit, though, it might seem heavy, is assisted by counterweight machines.(not dead weight) and makes it easier to maneuver. Just for your info: I have other health conditions. such as a leaky heart valve, congestive heart failure, COPD, and have had a heart attack and a stroke over the years. But, still going at 85. Perhaps I've been unknowingly blessed to be around this long. Be well..

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Replies to "Thank you so much for your reply. the 50 pound limit, though, it might seem heavy,..."

Hello, silverkat. I certainly misunderstood when you said your general health is excellent. It sounds like you have other heart issues that play into your decisions and your cardio doctors caring for you are on top of this.Please just be careful until you get all the information you need. I had my cardio day today at Mayo, with the normal tests, etc and saw the APRN. My heart isn't speaking to me like yours, I have CHF doing quite well now since I began regularly walking/exercising (using the term loosely, but getting in an hour of tiring work!), 2X weekly in a 94degree therapy pool. It's litterally saving my life. ANd, I don't hurt anywhere when I'm in the water. Love it. Recommend the aqua exercise for cardio. My heart is pretty happy right now! Having more tests soon re autoimmune diseases that are causing BP and other issues. Seems my body continues to attack itself, doggone it! Now, I have 3 or 4 autoimmune diseases! UGH! Hope you stay well, get good news from the next doc and keep us informed. Blessings. Elizabeth