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I hope you truly 'listen' to degarden_girl and her advice. I'm 73, have a TAA measured a couple months ago at 4.8, so I have a way to go before surgery. But, my goodness, when it hits 5? I hope I don't stroke out! I intend to get whatever treatment is available to stop that time-bomb from exploding. I have a whale of a lot of health issues and certainly will not be the best or even a good candidate for surgery, but I definitely will see my cardiologist and anyone else at Mayo who wants to make any suggestions. I'm an 'Only Mayo, Girl'. So, after not such good visits w/local cardiologists, I only see Mayo docs now. They have truly saved my life. Suggestion from this young lady to an older man, consider seeing cardiology at Mayo or Cleveland Clinic or Boston or one of the major centers depending on your location. I'm in Florida and live near Mayo Jacksonville, so I see them for everything. I trust them. I feel safe. And, sir, please consider another important thought: you don't need to be lifting anything 50 pounds! My doc says I can lift a gallan jug of water. You, of course, can do more, maybe, but please wait until you see a true cardiology expert! Be safe, be well, you have a lot of good folks thinking of you and sending you blessings. Elizabeth

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Replies to "I hope you truly 'listen' to degarden_girl and her advice. I'm 73, have a TAA measured..."

Thank you so much for your reply. the 50 pound limit, though, it might seem heavy, is assisted by counterweight machines.(not dead weight) and makes it easier to maneuver. Just for your info: I have other health conditions. such as a leaky heart valve, congestive heart failure, COPD, and have had a heart attack and a stroke over the years. But, still going at 85. Perhaps I've been unknowingly blessed to be around this long. Be well..