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What causes the loss of mucus membrane?

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Dec 19, 2021 | Replies (48)

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Just wonder what the cause is that triggers the loss of mucous membrane? I have seen several docs and all tests come back normal. The few symptoms that I have which l have listed or discussed in other sections of this forum or community. I have had echo, ekg, Holter monitor and stress test for my heart, everything is ok. I have also had Ana reflex panel for immune disorder, everything comes back negative or normal. According to the comments

“ Screen negative by IFA and multiplex.
Therefore negative for the following specific antibodies: dsDNA,
chromatin, ribosomal P, Sm, RNP, SSA/Ro, SSB/La, Centromere, Scl70
and Jo1.”

Also the ANTI SSA/RO & ANTI SSB/LA are less than 0.2.

And then VITAMIN B12,SRM and FOLATE,SERUM are also normal within range.

In addition I have also had the brain mri without contrast and everything seems normal too.
On top of that, I have lung ct scan everything comes back normal too. Unfortunately I have still been suffering the undiagnosed health condition

1) bloated stomach and feel full all the times and do not feel thirsty. Only too small meals a day and if I eat too much it becomes difficult for me to breathe. In addition, I also have infrequent bowel movement, and yellow thin stool all the times and sometimes diarrhea.

2) feel cold in the left soft palate when mouth breathing. I also cannot talk for long and have to pause and take a deep breath half a min or so because I feel cold air in my left chest. The sinking left chest feeling where the left and right chest do not align with each other.

3) Difficulty breathing occurs every day but that happens in a certain time in a day. When that happens, the back of the area below my right shoulder blade hurts as well as the middle of my right chest. And I have to breathe through mouth. Then I feel cold air entering into the airway of my left lung. Then my left chest twitches.

4) it seems it is getting worse, my nose seems to dysfunctions. Without water or gel, it seems there is no airflow resistance. When I breathe there seems to be a lot of air especially cold air entering both of my nostrils. The nasal passages are empty with no mucus or boogers. On top of that my turbinates do not work. They do not swell or shrink and moisturize Or humidify the air I breathe in. They do not know how to adapt to the weather change. So I have to use nasal gel or saline wrist to make moisturize and block the nasal passage to feel slightly better. In addition when things flare up, I also have right throat and pin and needle sensation in my face.

5) Cold band and feet and they keep sweating and this occurs throughout the day. They do not happen at night.

6) heart pounding or heart rate increases whenever I wake up from sleep. Also dizziness occurs when getting up from bed or couch. The cardiologist said I do not have pots and he checked my blood pressure, everything is normal. Also while eating, my heart rate increases from 80 or 85 to 110.

7) It seems that I have lost mucus function, I have dried mouth, no nasal mucus and my eyes are pretty dried too esp after waking up, I have pink eyes. Also my face does not seem to produce oil and if ther is just too little.

I am just wondering if anybody knows or at least shed some light on this. Or at least could pinpoint one of the specific symptoms mentioned above and what is the likely or possible cause? Because most docs do not seem to care esp those who work in the clinic without communicating with one another or they cannot diagnose the symptom.

I am sure it is due to the nervous system or some kinds of immune diseases.

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Replies to "Just wonder what the cause is that triggers the loss of mucous membrane? I have seen..."

Hello learning student,
You sure have symptoms. Sorry to hear that.
For stomach GI problems have you had your bile ducts checked, and liver function?
Nose/ nasal issues, what about seeing an ear,nose throat doctor. Heart rate increase could it be a problem with the vegus nerve. It’s a long nerve that runs thru our bodies.
Getting dizzy upon standing from a sitting/ sleeping position can be a quick drop in bp.
It is a common condition,
It sounds like you have multiple health concerns. I have a friend who has increase in heart rate when she ate, her doctor told her she had episodes of afib.to 125. The condition with her would come and go.
You did not mention your age, male/female?
Are you near a teaching hospital like Mayo, or Cleveland or a university with a good medical school. They usually get complex cases on a regular basis. Many local doctors mean well,but usually just see common run of the mill problems.
Are you able to work, or retired?
Have you ever worked with heavy metals, iron, that can build up to toxicity same with chemicals?
Sometimes the environment plays a role in our health.
Hope you can get to the root of your health issues.
Take care

Hello @learningstudent,

I am so sorry to hear of the many symptoms you are experiencing and not being able to find a diagnosis or treatment plan. It certainly is frustrating, isn't it?

I agree with what @funcountess has posted regarding being seen at a multi-disciplinary health center like Mayo or a university medical school. They not only have a lot of research going on but also specialists from different areas who communicate with each other. I understand that Mayo Clinic is now giving appointments. Here is the link to appointment information. http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.

I'm wondering what meds you are taking. Your heart rate does seem to get high. Are you taking a beta-blocker for that? As posted above, also look at your environment. Have you ever lived or worked on a farm or an industrial area where toxins might have been present?

Do you think you might consider a second opinion?

Hi @learningstudent, I merged your 2 conversations about losing mucus membrane into one discussion that now appears in both the Autoimmune Diseases group and the Endocrine System group. I did this so that your history appears in one discussion and people can read all your messages in one place, and you can benefit from the help of others.

Like @funcountess and @hopeful33250 suggest, I also agree that you should confer with medical professionals.

@learningstudent . I do hope you see a infectious disease specialist . With yellow stools sounds like you need to see s G.I Dr and tell him of your yellow stools Are you eyes yellow? A lot of this sounds like a gallblader or liver problem . Dont put this off please see one of these Dr.s or both. The G.I Dr would be the first one I think

I have had dry eyes and issues with dry nasal passages. For the eyes, liquid tears, PM ointment at night and an RX for pataday. I often wear an eye mask at night, which helps keep moisture in. I use aquaflor with a q tip for nose; but maybe you might try a cpap, which allows moisture with heat while breathing. My mouth is dry; have to brush 2x day, once without toothpaste and use waterpic to keep gums and teeth in good shape.Xylimelt and biotene can help, too. Mouthguard for clenching. I have MCTD, with a touch of sjogrens, I think.