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so ive had rightsided chest pain that come and goes for 6 monhs now. been to the er twice and they keep saying its not my heart after all the ekgs and chest exrays and blood tests..they keep calling it unexplained chest pain. i dont have insurance so iev havent been able to see a doctor outside of the er. i do have acid reflux been on omperzole for years.. anybody else going threw this or have any ideas?

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Replies to "so ive had rightsided chest pain that come and goes for 6 monhs now. been to..."

Out of curiosity when does your CP usually occur?

It starts around noon lasts all day then is fine in the morning for awhile and I will go three or four days and feel fine and then is starts again

My ex had similar symptoms and was eventually diagnosed with Prinzmetals Variant Angina. It mimics a heart attack but just spasms coronary vessels causing pain. Check it out online and see if it fits your process.

yes i somethimes have had chest pain caused by lung phlegm blockage...but it goes after the phlegm passes thru or dissolves...a chest xray and few puffs of ventolin (please try after doctors advise)