Hi everyone, thank you for the input. As of right now, my primary care doctor thinks it could be allergy related, but I have an appointment with a neurologist this afternoon. I've been taking over-the-counter allergy meds (have tried allegra and claritin) as well as a daily saline nasal rinse, per my doctor, and while my allergy symptoms haven't been an issue, the head feeling is still there and comes in waves, better at some times, bad at others, but always there. A few things I will say: One, my dad has sinus issues and a long time ago was diagnosed with chronic sinustitis and had to have surgery for it. Two, my mom and sister both get bad seasonal allergies, and I didn't until a couple years ago. For now my doctor wants me to see a neurologist but if that's ruled out I'm sure I'll end up with an ear nose and throat doctor. This is almost debilitating, and it's so frustrating not having something that can help. My doctors so far have really wanted to pin it on anxiety, but I'm 100% certain my anxiety is DERIVING from this head feeling and not knowing what it is/being uncomfortable all the time.
I've written down all of my symptoms and came up with this list so far: A "filled up" or "high" feeling (NOT dizzy or a headache); feeling like I'm not really "in my head" but cognitively still functioning normally; more tired than usual; having vivid, bad dreams and a heavy headed feeling overnight; sensitivity to light; mild pressure in sides of head or ears sometimes; a few times, have had ear ringing for a few seconds; lasts anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks at a time; have gotten an actual headache a few times, but it's not often; sometimes I feel like a dizziness is coming on, but it never gets to that point. I'll post an update after I see the neurologist today.
On a side note-- I did have blood tests and an EKG done last week which all came back normal.