← Return to Abdominal aortic aneurysm: Surgery postponed due to COVID-19, scared!

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Hello @lynetteirizarry

I can certainly understand your concern about the postponement of surgery. It might be helpful to contact your doctor's office (perhaps through the patient portal) and ask what you can do to prevent any ruptures until the surgery is able to be scheduled. Some of @cheryl66's suggestions about lifting, avoiding straining, etc. are good ones.

Here is some information from Mayo Clinic's website, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/abdominal-aortic-aneurysm/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350693

"Lifestyle and home remedies. For an abdominal aortic aneurysm, your doctor will likely suggest that you avoid heavy lifting and vigorous physical activity so as not to increase blood pressure excessively, which can put more pressure on your aneurysm.

Stress can raise your blood pressure, so try to avoid conflict and stressful situations. If you're going through a particularly emotional time in your life, let your doctor know because your medications might need to be adjusted to keep your blood pressure levels from going too high."

Do you currently take blood pressure meds, @lynetteirizarry?

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Replies to "Hello @lynetteirizarry I can certainly understand your concern about the postponement of surgery. It might be..."

I take amlodipine, iberesartan twice a day. And yes there is a lot of stress for me as a storm came thru and knocked over 3 big trees and burst our water pipe. Cant help husband with any of it! And virus is making me crazy!!!