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Downsizing, To Move or Not to Move? That is the Question

Aging Well | Last Active: Mar 23 9:13pm | Replies (473)

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Thank you, @rosemary for raising this important question. Like, Dana, I've been exploring for the past 2 yrs, the concept of downsizing and moving into an independent sr living estbl. near my daughter and family out-of-state. I also own a spacious home and while I can still manage the upkeep and regular maintenance required, more of my circle of close aging friends are facing similar deliberations and several already have moved, some to be closer to immediate family and others because of the need for more supervised care.

The question for me is timing. Would it be better to sell and move while I still have some wits about me and can take care of the decisions required in listing the house, arranging an estate sale, selecting the next residence or do I wait because my cost of living, maintenance and lack of state inc. tax makes it financially more feasible to stay put awhile longer. I bought long-term care ins. yrs ago and have been so fortunate that the premium has only gone up once and that to a small degree.

If I wait until I have fewer wits about me...which might not be long! vbg...my daughter would be ever so capable in handling what had to be done. However, I still vividly remember the difficulties I lived when handling my mom's later daily care and medical needs, home maintenance & repairs and later estate issues while living out-of-town. Living out-of-state would have only compounded the issues requiring action.

My longest divorced friend here of 40+ yrs recently began building a new home out-of-town to be near her children and grands. The new house is under construction; most of her belongings and furnishings for the new house have been moved and and placed in storage in the new location. Having completed her estate sale with her house listed for sale, she now is finding that there is almost a freeze on residential house sales in this area.

Now, with the spread of the virus especially hitting the senior living and nursing home establishments, I can only be thankful that I have waited on my decision. However, time does not stand still and my mental debate over timing continues.

I would really like to hear how others are thinking about downsizing and starting to plan ahead.

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Replies to "Thank you, @Rosemary for raising this important question. Like, Dana, I've been exploring for the past..."

I agree @rosemarya This is a great topic! Here are a few of the things my wife and I considered, @fiesty76

My wife and I first began talking about downsizing when our last child left for college and we wanted a change too.

We began by making a list of those things in our lives we valued the most and wanted to try and preserve as we made this change. Unlike many others, one of the things on our list was that we did NOT want to move to be close to our children. We never wanted them to feel any pressure to not take a new job, etc. because ‘mom and dad moved here to be close to us’. We considered pets, yard space, weather (we love the Midwest and the changes in seasons), low maintenance/upkeep desires, what we could dejunk and what we might want to give to family and friends while we were still alive, and much more. We worked on our list for over a year – and over time items on it did change, move up or down on the priority list, or move off or on. We did this exercise well in advance of my wife’s brain cancer and were forever happy we had done it early.

One of the benefits was we were very aware of the importance to us of floorplan of any place we might live. As it turned out, due to this planning and foresight, we were able to have very doable home hospice care in our home when my wife’s condition demanded hospice care and she really wanted to do it at home.

I will admit our views were tinted by a very unhappy decision my parents made about moving to a ‘graduated care’ community. They discovered there were huge gaps in what was considered ‘full care’ when my father fell ill and as my mother’s needs also changed. While it was a financially very costly decision, my mother finally packed up and left that community. So we had no desire to have one of those in our plans.

We also decided that our decisions would not be ‘forever’ decisions, but look at what we decided as right at the time, but subject to change. I continue to hold this view as I am happy where I am now, but know fully a change in my physical condition, etc. will demand further adjustments.

Now I'm happy where I am, but know full well my physical or mental capabilities could change in the future and demand further changes.

Was this a bit of what you were wondering about?

I am 67 and moved from a spacious 4 bedroom house to a 55 plus community. We went through the sale of our home, plus estate sale, the search for new home, the actual move and all other details it entails. My health recently declined, due to post Covid. I am so glad we moved when we did (2 years ago) b/c I wouldn’t have the stamina to do it now. We were lucky because we sold our home of 33 years in one weekend. However we had to move out within a month so had to find a new place quickly. We looked at smaller homes, both old and new but decided on a new 55 plus community. We are so glad we did. I sometimes miss the old place, especially around the holidays, but I have my memories and it was time to do it. The new place has given me a new vigor. Being smaller, it hasn’t been overwhelming and it has been fun to decorate. Since it is brand new it is nice to have an updated kitchen, bright clean surfaces such as countertops, cabinets, newly painted walls and updated floors. Our small yard is mowed for us as part of the package and we enjoy maintaining the flowers,etc since it is smaller. Neighbors are friendly but respect our privacy.
I do hope you can make the right decision for yourself and enjoy your senior years. It has helped me to know I no longer have those big decisions looming over me. I read, paint, cook relax and feel more carefree than I have in years. Hope this helps. Let us know what you decide.