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How do you accept change as you age?

Aging Well | Last Active: Nov 7, 2020 | Replies (277)

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If you do nothing else, please, please check out drmcdougall.com. He isn't the only doctor recommending his way of eating but he has a really good website. The whole foods, plant based diet with no added oils works for everything so it's really simple to manage. No need to have a separate diet for each condition. It's the way we're meant to eat. If we put super expensive rocket fuel in our cars, it won't end well. Same goes for our bodies. That's my rant. Last time I'll mention it.

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Replies to "If you do nothing else, please, please check out drmcdougall.com. He isn't the only doctor recommending..."

Hi, @starchy, Thanks for the reminder to check out drmcdougall.com. I've not completely given up meats or dairy but have moved successfully to a primarily plant based diet with good results. Always good to review what others recommend. One size doesn't fit all and there are no quick fixes or instant cures but slow and steady with what does work can make a real difference.