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I am attending several church services, prayer sessions nightly, vis Facebook, and a Lenten study we started at the beginning of Lent via Zoom. That is almost like being face to face with people. I'm coloring, writing memories to preserve them for family, scanning my many 3 ring binders of genealogy family history as jpeg or pdf to put on Flash drives for family members. This has letters, photos, and other documents that my mother and I have collected over the past 50 or more years. I'm knitting stocking caps in preparation of giving them to the school, our church partners with, next winter. i have done this for several years. Quillt when I have time, Send via Facebook ideas I have gathered through the years of raising 5 children and being a teacher for 25 years. These are just things I used to entertain them during the winter months or when we were confined because of some illness or weather problem. And I read. Thank goodness for ebooks available via Overdrive or Bridges from our local libraries. All that is required is a library card and many libraries here are issuing them online now to people who may not have one. Our schools all are using the internet for online classes and student contact so having this available at the libraries really helps. Our church has provided addresses for all the people on the church prayer list so we can send cards. I plan to start getting those ready today. This is just a few of the things I keep busy with. I have always kept myself busy even when I was caring for my husband and after he went to the care center. It keeps me sane. and as one of my former teacher friends used to say "It keeps me off the streets."

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Replies to "I am attending several church services, prayer sessions nightly, vis Facebook, and a Lenten study we..."

You sound very busy, in a healthy way. I used to knit up a storm in the early 1960s and early 1970s. It is starting to be a lost art. I did a lot of needlepoint, and most is framed and hung on the wall. Also made pretty pillows in needlepoint.
These days it appears like time zooms by so quickly, and there is not much time for anymore then the basics of life.
Maybe just slowing down a bit physically.
You mentioned being a teacher, what did you teach?
Take Care