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Making facemasks

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Apr 25, 2020 | Replies (42)

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I just came back from a quick, early morning trip to Walmart in my community - over half the people shopping in the store had on face masks (I had my homemade one) and several were wearing protective gloves. There were a few employees in masks as well, which the manager told me was their personal choice. Only one regular checkout was open, all else was self-check. An employee cleaned each self-check station with a fresh sanitizer wipe between customers, including counter, display & keypad. Covid-19 is spreading rapidly here, this was the first time I left my little community in over a week, and I was impressed to see how much more seriously it is being taken in that short time.
So we have a small stock of homemade masks on my patio, neighbors drop by to select one or two for their own protection. If the pile gets any smaller, we'll go back into production...

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Replies to "I just came back from a quick, early morning trip to Walmart in my community -..."

It's very generous of you to make masks for your neighbors. I hope they have clean hands when they pick and choose. I have not venture outside my house except for my walk. I did take my car for a spin so the battery would work if I should need to go out. My neighbor went to a grocery store at 6 am during senior hour and there were only 5 customers in the store.