Here's a holiday tip - from my nephew, who at 49 is a grandfather of 4.
He had a very tumultuous early life, and my parents home was his sanctuary, with his own "stuff" there - which had to stay because his parents moved often & got rid of everything just about every time they relocated. One of his prized possessions was a small yellow Teddy named "Spare Bear." When his family moved out of state Spare Bear stayed behind to be loved by all his younger cousins, and finally went to assisted living with my Mom to remind her of her firstborn grandchild.
When Grammy died, I passed Spare Bear to his original owner, a struggling Dad of 4. Today he sent me a message that Spare Bear is now with his oldest granddaughter, aged 3, who is having a tough time accepting a new sibling. He thanked me for the memories, and for making sure he got his beloved bear.
So, if you have kids or grands struggling in these hard times, look around and see if there is an old favorite toy, blanket, quilt or afghan they might like as a memento. And maybe write a note about those times in the past to go with it.
@sueinmn. What a wonderful post. I have kept all my children's favorite toys, even after many moves. My son is 38 and he couldn't believe I still have his stuffed dog Fleagle. It's his son's now. I still have his boxes of Legos and Lincoln log and a couple of his favorite books. It brings back great memories not only for him but for me too.