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Hi, @nannyned. Yesterday, I needed to take some personal time off, and away from being online. I spent the better part of the afternoon, puzzling over a sewing project that I am working on. I didn't get much actual sewing done, however, I did a lot ripping out stitches, and replanning my design for a small fabric quilted picture. I also listened, (uninterrupted because of isolation) to some favorite CD's. Today, I feel refreshed and am planning a walk this afternoon.

Here is a discussion that I want to recommend to you for an enjoyable afternoon - Feel free to simply look, read, enjoy - or join us anywhere! You can click on the blue text and you will be taken directly to the discussion.

- Visual Escapes and Daily Inspirations: Share Yours https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/visual-escapes-and-daily-inspirations-share-yours/

I hope you will enjoy your afternoon.

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Replies to "Hi, @nannyned. Yesterday, I needed to take some personal time off, and away from being online...."

@rosemarya I too am finding the need to "step away" for a time each day. I limit myself to 2 periods on the computer looking at Mayo & newsfeeds. Otherwise it is music or old movies on TV (no cable or satellite here.) I even try to follow the Mexican telenovellas on local TV since I am practicing my Spanish. (Mexican radio broadcasters talk way too fast...)
We are fortunate to be in a tiny community with about a dozen others, so we still can have some social activities while isolated from the wider world. Yesterday I played a card game with 3 close friends. This afternoon about 6 of us will line dance for 2 hours (we can do this and still be at least 6 feet apart!) My friend and I have also opened out paints, and she gave me a much-needed watercolor lesson the other day - tomorrow would normally be game day for a larger group (now cancelled) so I will sit at my kitchen table and paint.
And I walk - and walk - and walk, stopping to chat with neighbors sitting on their patios when the weather permits.
I encourage everyone to find something that brings joy, and commit to doing it every day as an antidote to the prevailing bad news, fear and anxiety.
Do you meditate or pray? Read scripture or other uplifting books? Listen to TedTalks? Sew, knit, craft, draw, paint, woodwork, photograph...? Walk or do other exercise?
Also everyone, we do not need to be afraid to go out in the fresh air and walk around, as long as we don't congregate in groups. You can even walk in the rain with raingear - not as much fun, but it gives you a sense of oneness with nature (as long as it's not icy.)