← Return to COVID-19 Coronavirus and Lung Health: What can you do?

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Hi Merry, This being shut in is for the birds.......lol...I hate to do this and I might chicken out yet but made an appointment to get my hair cut. Will be just me and my beautician inthe room but I can't stand my hair any longer, And then I got my appts for Mayo next month. I did have my video chat with my neurologist yesterday which went good . Unfortunately no answer has to why I keep getting the chills so bad even with getting my lexipro increased thinking it was anxiety. So don't know what to do about that. I got weeds growing in my flower bed and I don't have the energy to do anything about that so am looking for someone to do it for me......... My house is a mess. I need to get a baby blanket done and life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the heck you will get. One byone things will get done. I keep telling myself, don't sweat the small stuff its not worth it and concerntrate on the blessings you do have. I hope you all start the day with a prayer in your heart, a smile on your face and Gods love and your families love right beside you..........PS I decided I'm not going to let COVID virus dictate my life, not going to do anything stupid either, but I'm in charge of my life.

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Replies to "Hi Merry, This being shut in is for the birds.......lol...I hate to do this and I..."

@sakota9 I loved your post and know what you mean, especially not feeling up doing things, like pulling weeds. I love your humor in this time of stress and most of all I like your blessings we have, a smile on your face and GOD'S love with family by our side. AND I'M IN CHARGE OF MY LIFE! I'm having surgery at Mayo for my back on June 9th. Looking forward and anxious at the same time. I have been in a lot of pain so really can't wait, had to wait extra long time anyway. I know God will watch over me. Love to you.

@sakota- That's the spirit I like to hear Joan. I think that the virus has changed a lot of things and we'll see those in the future but for right now good, conservative common sense is the way to go and work within the confines fo those. I think that so far we know enough to be very cautious about being around others and keep distances and wear masks. The rest is up to us.