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@aeg73 Girl! I read your description of symptoms And couldn’t believe how many I share in common with you. I have Bronchiectasis, and I have m. Abscessus colonized in my sinuses and lungs, along with an ever growing list of various fungi & bacteria. I was diagnosed in 2015 following multiple pneumonias.

If it’s any help to you, I’ve been able to keep infections to about one per year since by daily use of an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory through my Navage nasal rinse device, as well as daily airway clearance using the vest, nebulizer with 7% saline and postural drainage in combination, as well as exercise. I still teach full time.

Like you I have also had the mysterious red ring of small bumps around my elbow, that came and went, they biopsied it and found nothing so called it “granuloma annulare”, the frozen shoulder, (always) neck problems, and now the pulsating muscle twitching/ spasms in my ribs on my sides and in my back non-stop for 1 month! The twitches are certainly not life threatening, and don’t keep me from sleeping, but MAN it gets old, and i have to think it’s a message from my body.

I would add gut issues, I experience at least 6 bad bouts of “gastroenteritis” a year. I started taking at least a Tbsp. of Miralax daily to keep things “moving”, and that barely does it.

- BTW Another patient commented she had the muscle twitches, and they found she had low magnesium. Praying for you and us all, Brenda.

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Replies to "@aeg73 Girl! I read your description of symptoms And couldn’t believe how many I share in..."

Wow Brenda, thank you. Your info may be helpful in getting me some more answers. I appreciate your comments as I felt I've been riding this journey pretty solo. Do they tell you what your twitches are from??? The Neurologist said that sometimes people just have benign twitches and some have them forever. But I went from never having them to so frequently, especially when I knew something was really wrong with all the symptoms I was having. I did not show out of range for anything obvious on traditional blood tests. I've tried self treating best of my ability with herbal tinctures/supplements from naturopath and some I got on my own. I think they've helped some but nothing has gotten rid of the daily pains entirely or the pulse like twitchy feelings and my sleep is so bad that I don't know what is causing what (if that makes sense). It's like the chicken or the egg, hard to know.

May I ask how or what tests or MD's did you see to help you to determine your bronchiectasis and abscesses, fungi and bacteria?
Did you do a particular panel of some kind? I only know test wise that I tested positive IgM Mycoplasma Pneumoniae back this summer got no treatment because at the time my latest NP said everyone tests positive for it and mainstream med doesn't treat it!!! I also had a very low CD57 level of 24 which I guess is very concerning and was flagged by my local hospital lab as abnormal and yet still got little to no help. I was on a very long wait list to be seen by a Lyme Doc which just took place recently. So, I am hoping something will change for the better because this whole process has really put a sour taste in my mouth with trust in the medical community. I know they are probably just uneducated but you get passed along from one person to the next and no answers just costly bills. Thanks in advance for your info/comments.

Here is the group for Tick-borne illnesses. It's a great group for discussing everything about these illnesses.