← Return to COVID-19 and MAC: What are you doing differently to protect yourself?

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When it comes to how to stay safe, and what is the level of isolation you have to exercise, it depends on who you are trying to protect. The Health experts recommend, and at this point even requires, almost from all none essential people, and for understandable reasons, to stay home, even if you are healthy, young and fearless! Because as we all know, we are all part of an invisible link that attaches us all one to another, when it comes to the ability of this Viral infection to get to us.
In our family's case, we live in a suburb of New York, we are blessed with a 43 years old son, that has Chronic Cardiac issues since birth, and he is of course extremely vulnerable if he will be exposed to this contagious virus.
He is not part of any statistics, that calls for percentages of people that will survive from this age group or another. He has 0% chances to recover from such a viral infection, no matter where he is going to be treated, or how many respirators they will have available.
His only chance of survival, is what we decided to do 4 weeks ago, when we realized that this Pandemic, will be everywhere, and we went into complete isolation with him at home. We don't go out, we don't allow anyone to cross our door front, we have medications for months, and for his sake we will stay in this isolation for as long as it takes.
But these vulnerable and elderly people, need the help and cooperation of the young and healthy people around us, by staying home, practice social distancing, even if they feel it's difficult. Yes it is difficult, but as a healthy society that wants to have as little victims as possible, in a crisis like this we cannot behave in a egocentric way, and think only about ourselves. They say it's a War, that is true, and in this war the war zone is not in a faraway country, like we have known in the past. It's right here, and yes the soldiers are the caregivers in hospitals, and those that keep providing us with the daily needs, but in addition to these soldiers at the front, we are also part of this ongoing war, and we have to do our part, by acting with responsibility.
Stay Safe, and this Black Cloud will melt away eventually, and we will come out of it better in all aspects of Life.

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Replies to "When it comes to how to stay safe, and what is the level of isolation you..."

Best of luck to you all. I am originally from Westchester County but now in MI where we are really getting bad bouts of this virus. We climbed to Number 3 on this morning's news. Stay safe. Jane Brown