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@fiesty76 You are such a dear person, fiesty! Thanks for the good words, and yes, this has always been one way I deal with my issues in life, be they work/business issues, health findings, family problems, whatever...I've always found I best work them out moving furniture and rearranging rooms or crazy hazy yard work or the flowers and patio or when I was much younger, exercise.

So, makes sense I'd do this but for crying out loud, I haven't been able to sweep or rake or lift at all for several years! This was wonderful for me emotionally.....I did need an outlet or I needed to go to the forest and scream!!!!!! physically, my body is crying out for movement! This was it! Spiritually, my soul needed to be closer to nature, to feel the soil and dirt, be involved with God's creations......and now I enjoy the results of the work I did by not tracking in squigglies and leaves and by enjoying the order, seeing the plants happy, the flowering plants and pots on the patio.....I'm hiring someone to do my son's patio and mine, the clearing and digging and planting etc. I'm doing what I can and will enjoy, but I want some stones installed and other heavier things, and I can't overdo this.
Just called the pool....YMCA not opened it yet, but Brooks Rehab is using it for rehab, so I can get my doc to write another script and get going again. That's next week.

Just got call from Mayo for another endoscopy, to stretch the Schatzi Ring they found. They wanted to wait for path reports re Barrett's Esophogus and polyps and other areas before doing that procedure....so, have to have another one. Concerned about another sedation so soon, especially w/white matter issues.....will ck with docs...and she ordered an abdomen MR, too. So it goes...
Glad you're doing better. Keep it up!
Blessings, elizabeth

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Replies to "@fiesty76 You are such a dear person, fiesty! Thanks for the good words, and yes, this..."

@ess77, Like you, I find it is those times when I'm feeling the worst and don't want to move that if I can "kick start" myself to simply stand and take a few steps in any direction creating even small motion helps.

However, unlike you, once furniture and knick knacks are in place, they seem to become "glued to their spots forever". Smiles

One friend has long made it a habit to shake things up a bit by moving at least one item each week from one location to another. Sometimes small things; other times, furniture rearrangements. She says even small changes in the appearance of her home boosts her spirits. While I can appreciate you both for finding that helpful, it just sounds dreadful to me. lol

Will be thinking of you as you go for more tests and hope you'll be able to keep moving as you await results and new treatment plans.