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My "walk" yesterday was 5 miles - and I never left my own yard!
Here we are in March, in Minnesota, and it was 60F and sunny. I raked the leaves off 4 gardens, trimmed a half dozen shrubs, picked up hundreds of sticks, cleared away garden debris, swept up the shells from 150 lbs of birdseed and bagged everything for the compost site because my own bins are full.
I finished the afternoon with a stroll through the yard, planning what I want to do differently this year - starting with adding a 3' X 18' straw bale garden to a sunny side yard for raising more veggies. (I already have a 21' bale garden for my tomatoes there.)
Thought I would be stiff and sore today, but I'm doing well enough to contemplate tackling another large garden bed, where I have all the standing wildflowers I leave for the birds - the seeds are picked clean, so the sticks can go.
Oops - never finished before I headed out the door. On an ice cream bar break to give me enough energy to finish filling the last 2 bags before the rain comes tonight & tomorrow. Got the pond garden cleared of leaves and old plants, and cut down everything in the big back garden, but I'm out of steam - the raking there will have to wait. Only got 3 miles in today, but did enough squeezing of various pruners to count for a week of hand therapy. And lots of bending & hauling - gardening is great exercise.
Next up - our yard has become deer central this winter, and the backyard is totally covered with their droppings, but too soft to rake - how do I get rid of them - maybe the rain will wash them down to the ground to fertilize....

Rewarding myself with an adult beverage in the sun on my garden bench.

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Replies to "My "walk" yesterday was 5 miles - and I never left my own yard! Here we..."

Looks like ambition full steam ahead and feeling accomplished, as you should. Soundless thumbs up. Sounds like a busy summer with attention given to new veggie beds. Keep it up!!
My corner of Minnesota had nice temps yesterday as well, however today overcast and once again windy. By tomorrow morning I expect my ground will be covered with winter white once again.
I did get my walk in and my floor exercises completed so all good!

8 miles and all that work too.
Man alive I am worn to a frazzle just thinking about it.
Rest time now,