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I enjoy catching moments with my "point and shoot" camera but haven't learned how to upload them for sharing. Sigh. My neighborhood walks are good for the exercise and occasionally provide a few ah hah moments; however, small nearby playa lakes and parks usually provide more opportunities for photos.

When taking walks in parks, I often tuck my camera in my fanny pack and occasionally click off a few pics as reminders of how changed this covid year has been for all of us. Things often previously taken for granted are more significant now and while it will be some time before developing the pics I've taken over the last months, they will go into a special album for the year. I want these along with my gratitude journal to serve later as reminders of the exceptional journey we've been on throughout this challenging time.

Yesterday I completed my 11 month of walking 3 x's/week with some shorter "bonus" walks thrown in. This was a tough new year challenge for me to take on but now I can truthfully say that it has become an important part of my weekly routine and one I want to continue into the next year.

I give a lot of credit to Becky, @becsbuddy, for starting this valuable forum because there were days I might have resisted if not for the sharing and encouragement of others in this group.

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Replies to "I enjoy catching moments with my "point and shoot" camera but haven't learned how to upload..."

Congrats on your 11 month accomplishment!! Way to go! Nice that you journaled as well.
My intent was to put together a pic journal of this year as well.
I definitely agree that the enhanced encouragement of the group has been a blessing. Ditto, on the thanks to Becky.
I am conditioning myself to walking longer in 30 some degree temps. Not bad unless the wind bites! Not sure what the winter will, at some point, gift us or what my walks will turn into.
Mall walking is even unpredictable with all of the COVID cases. For now, I am good, just missing talking to people on my walks like I used to do. I just keep my walk for prayer, fresh air and the landscaping beauty.