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@sueinmn. I had a cortisone shot about 7 weeks ago. Really did not do much, last month when I went back, the doctor said he couldn't give me another shot so soon and prescribed PT. The Medicare PT place can give me an appointment until this week so I went to my own. So far the bursitis seems to be better. But my lower back and leg pain is horrendous. I have spinal stenosis and degenerated disc. All that are causing the pain, I'm sure. Sometimes Tylanol helps a little. I have a PT appointment today. They always use laser to reduce the inflammation and relieve pain. Looks like it will be a long haul. I'm not expecting a miracle, just some pain reduction. I have to stay positive. My friend fell off his bed last year. It took him almost half a year to get back to normal.

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Replies to "@sueinmn. I had a cortisone shot about 7 weeks ago. Really did not do much, last..."

Sorry to hear the cortisone didn't help much. My PT has given me 3 exercises that help with the severe spinal/leg pain that I was having last spring and summer. They help by releasing the vertebrae in my lower, mid & upper back that were all sort of "stuck."

The 3 that help most are:
Scalene Stretch with band (or belt) (neck) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZjD1g8oTSo
Supine or Egyptian Twist (upper/mid back) https://www.athletico.com/2015/03/24/supine-twist/
Pelvic Clock (lower/mid back) https://www.google.com/search?q=pelvic+clock+exercise&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS873US874&oq=pelvic+clock+exercise&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.10716j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_bHKpX5zfA9yE9PwPlcKw8AE24

I do the twist & clock on a firm mattress a few times before I even get up in the morning, then do the scalene stretch & my shoulder exercises after my warm shower, followed by the Twist & Clock again, then do the rest of my PT. I cannot begin to describe the relief I have gotten after 5 months of this regimen. I even have my husband doing them as well.

I hope one or more of these will give you some relief. No special equipment or gym required!

@mayofeb, So sorry to hear the cortisone didn't help more and that your horrid bursitis pain continues. Hadn't known of the use of laser to reduce inflammation and pain and am hoping that will bring you more relief.