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Let's get back to talking about walking. Can I just brag about my mom for a minute?
I gave her my fitbit during the Christmas holidays and I believe that I'm going to have to get another one. She loves it. I set her daily step goal at 5000 steps, advice I think I read from @contentandwell as being a better goal for seniors. She's 80. Last week her average was 7000 steps. We raised her goal to 6000. That's great.

But what impressed me the most is her sprinting. I told her about the science behind high intensity training and aging. (McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada does a lot of research in this area.)
- Strive to remember: Researchers find high-intensity exercise improves memory in seniors https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/strive-to-remember-researchers-find-high-intensity-exercise-improves-memory-in-seniors/

So what she does is increase her walking pace at least 2 times, usually 3 times, for brief stints during her walk. She lives in the country, so she started with walking sprints that last from one telephone pole to the next. Now her sprints are longer between 2 telephone poles. She didn't even notice today that she did all the talking all the way up the little hill that is part of our course. I'm so proud of her and her energy is much better too. I would be remiss if I didn't add that she does have a slow day or two in the week. She's wise enough to accept fewer steps on those days.
Go Mom Go.

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Replies to "Let's get back to talking about walking. Can I just brag about my mom for a..."

@colleenyoung Your Mom and I are the same age, or we will be by the end of this month. I am doing very similar and I was going to the gym and sprinting in between my walking. I don't know how many years I can keep this up but I will give it a good try. I tried an Apple watch but I couldn't work the thing so I gave up. Now I just measure distance and not steps, in the old way.
Good for her managing the fit bit too.

I walked over 6,000 steps awhile back and it said I went 2.5 miles. I’m not sure how accurate these devices are but congratulations to mom wow, she is one determined lady. Are you doing as good?