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Neuropathy and Brain Neuroplasticity

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 14, 2023 | Replies (89)

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Alhttps://youtu.be/5WzFSbX9hHwl For those interested in Norman Doidge, and neuro plasticity, a great you tube video. One of the best I have found. Lori Renee

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Replies to "Alhttps://youtu.be/5WzFSbX9hHwl For those interested in Norman Doidge, and neuro plasticity, a great you tube video. One..."

@user_che214927 @jesfactsmon and to all my fellow Pain sufferers; I have been watching Norman Doidge extensively today. Had an extremely bad pain day, and plodded through. This distraction helped my pain a lot. I really started thinking, and want to convey what may be important insights. Doidge explains that there are 12 places in the brain that can signal pain, and are attached to various areas. For instance, pain can be signaled in the emotional part of the brain, and that is why it is often associated with irritability, sadness, crabbiness. It can be signaled in the motor parts of the brain, and that is why certain parts of our bodies hurt. Doidge's main pain study that he talks about involves a guy who kept imaging 3 MRI's of his pained area. He would concentrate on these images over and over during a very long period of time, and his pain finally went away. I don't think I could do that, so I started thinking about what I could do to kind of trick my brain during pain battles. I know I love to sing, and in one of my most painful episodes, I changed the lyrics to a Barbra Streisand song, and belted it out for about 15 minutes, and the pain went away. I am planning on doing this every time I am in pain. I am not giving up. Because I write parodies to songs, I wrote a quick parody to Barbra Streisand's song, "He Touched Me." Hear it on you tube to see what I am talking about. Anyway, this is it, kind of; still working on it!

It hurts me,
I simply have to face the fact;
it hurts me!

Control myself, and try,
to manage my pain.....

Won't let it hurt me,
Can't hurt me,
And every, every, every thing....


Repeat 1,000 times, or until the pain stops, or the police knock on your door cause of all the noise.....

John, you can use any Rapid Shave commercial you want to. Am I remembering that right? Make new lyrics.

Anyway, hope you don't all think I am nuts. I gotta do something!!!!!!!!!

Lori Renee1