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Hi @luftmensh1 @baxtersmom @gardeningjunkie and @jeanne5009, I've been catching up with this conversation and would like to contribute a few online articles to help clarify some of the items you're discussing.

First, this article from the FDA clarifies a lot about the older (no longer used) mesh that caused unwanted complications and the newer kinds of mesh made from man-made (synthetic) materials or animal tissue.
- Urogynecologic Surgical Mesh Implants https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/implants-and-prosthetics/urogynecologic-surgical-mesh-implants

The description about absorbable, non-absorbable, or a combination of absorbable and non-absorbable materials helps to clarify the mention of "skin growing into the mesh," which I think was referring to absorbable mesh. See this paragraph:
"Non-absorbable mesh will remain in the body indefinitely and is considered a permanent implant. It is used to provide permanent reinforcement in strength to the urogynecologic repair. Absorbable mesh will degrade and lose strength over time. It is not intended to provide long-term reinforcement to the repair site. As the material degrades, new tissue growth is intended to provide strength to the repair."

Tanglefoot is no longer a member of the community and her posts were removed when it was discovered that she became a member with the intent to sell a device for pelvic organ prolapse that was not evidence based or FDA approved. This is against Community Guidelines (https://connect.mayoclinic.org/page/about-connect/tab/community-guidelines/)

Here are further articles about treatment options available for pelvic organ prolapse as described by Mayo Clinic:
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Treatment for vaginal prolapse depends on severity, symptoms https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-treatment-for-vaginal-prolapse-depends-on-severity-symptoms/
- Mayo Clinic offers comprehensive care for women with pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/urology/news/mayo-clinic-offers-comprehensive-care-for-women-with-pelvic-floor-disorders-such-as-pelvic-organ-prolapse-and-urinary-incontinence/mac-20459713

@luftmensh1 I hope this information along with the experiences shared by other members helps you to prepare questions to help find the right and experienced professional and to ask questions to get the treatment best suited for you.

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Replies to "Hi @luftmensh1 @baxtersmom @gardeningjunkie and @jeanne5009, I've been catching up with this conversation and would like..."

Very good information about the prolapse mesh. Thank you for monitoring the site and block those blogging with us with the intent of making money. I have experienced this on another site where I blog about my eczema. It's so easy to want to believe someone has a "miracle cure" ointment for a auto-immune disease that is incurable. Treatable in some cases, but to claim it is curable is a scam. These people ask to be your friends and then ask for you personals email to contact you directly and not go though the website. It's happened to me once but I learned and now I never ever give out any personal direct contact information.