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How You Experience Autism

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Aug 22, 2020 | Replies (171)

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Jane- Thank you. Very interesting. Does it work on all children? I have a nephew who I believe has been on the spectrum for many years but has not registered as such with tests. He's probably had more tests than I ever will, poor guy.

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Replies to "Jane- Thank you. Very interesting. Does it work on all children? I have a nephew who..."

@merry, I would be very hopeful that such a program of positive reinforcement would help just about any child. What they do first is an assessment to detetmine the things a child responds favorably to. Armed with that information and lots of dedication and patience, they slowly set about to gently shape the behavior. This is a case where speed is not warranted or desired. Relationship is where it's at. The child must be comfortable and feel safe, not threatened or shamed in any way.

I would think this focus would have a really good chance of working.

Love and light,
Mamacita Jane