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How You Experience Autism

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Aug 22, 2020 | Replies (171)

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If I wnet back to look at postings of mine, I am certainiI would have quoted this same stsrement.

Every Autistic person is nit terrific at math.

Every Autistic person did not experience mutism. I was the opposite. Speaking in senteces at six months

Every Autistic person does not rock or swsy back and forth. But I do.

Every Autistic person does not have superior hearing. Bur I do. And it has been both trouble and a help.
Love and light
Mamacita Jane

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Replies to "If I wnet back to look at postings of mine, I am certainiI would have quoted..."

@mamacita I was reading junior high books at 4 yrs old, and very "precocious" but extremely socially awkward. My grasp of concepts was beyond my teachers' comfort levels. When asked at age 13 how I came up with the correct answer to a mathematical problem, I couldn't give a step-by-step except it was different than what was being taught, so it was labeled incorrect. My senses of smelling and sound are highly tuned, as is my ability to hear inflection in spoken words/body language. While it might look like I am sitting still and taking part in conversation, a closer look might reveal me turning a ring, fingering a bracelet or pocket stone, drawing designs.

@auntieoakley How blessed you are! We should all be so lucky to have such an advocate in our corner!