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Apparatus for Neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Sep 16, 2020 | Replies (84)

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I've used electric shopping carts in several large stores. I've also had a couple that drained the charge far from the car parking area.

It's amazing to me how invisible I became with people who walked out of a side aisle, and see me there and walk right in front of me. I've gotten the look of "I don't see anything that might cause me to need the cart." I found it quite difficult to get around in a clothing department because the racks are so close to each other.

But what a blessing to find one on my most pain filled days.

Chairs or benches at the front of the store could loosely qualify as apparatus so I can sit down while my wife finishes her shopping.


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Replies to "I've used electric shopping carts in several large stores. I've also had a couple that drained..."

Jim - I would like to refer to myself then as the "older gent" sitting in front on bench waiting for my wife (whomever is my driver that day). Haha! Got my handicap parking permit months ago, trying to work smarter not harder, but my body has so much pain that it's extremely limiting. From limited driving to no driving. Limited walking to virtually no walking. I definitely agree that benches are indeed apparatus and are life savers right along with the electric carts and handrails.