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Question about Laxatives

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jun 22, 2020 | Replies (25)

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I'm 82. .. with Gastropaneisis.. I take an over the counter Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic that my Primary care physician recommended when antibiotics were prescribed.. that helps a great deal.. At a chain drug store I buy a box of 50 for about $25...I have finished the antibiotics a while ago but I still take the Probiotic because it really works for me ... Without the harsher pills and suppositories...

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Replies to "I'm 82. .. with Gastropaneisis.. I take an over the counter Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic that my..."

Hello ken82. Do you know what might have started your Gastropaneisis? I was listening to a program on a radio channel today with doctors and people call in with their problems. This time it was about stomach problems and the idea was centering on those who had stomach reductions and subsequent problems. They were talking about bacterial problems after the operation. And, of course, recommended checking into diet again, but also said that probiotics are questionable many times. I am having an ultrasound tomorrow for the lower part of my abdomen, hopefully that will show something. I usually don't go to the doctor often, but I may have to pester her about tests re my stomach emptying. But the docs were saying that if there is pain in the lower part of the region, the pain could radiate to the stomach also.