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Meet others living with autism: Come say hi

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Dec 27, 2021 | Replies (149)

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HI! Original DX of Asperger's was in 1967, . Therapies until I was "cured" in 1970 (aka Passed for "normal"). Re-evaluated 2019 with DX of "Autism".
Since unlike males effected I was quite chatty and precocious, my "cure" was faster . Meh.

My two older children are likely on spectrum but their father refused testing to show any "taint" since he was embarrassed already by 2 severely effected cousins and was 'impaired child' until he was 7 (even now won't give DXs. or admit. His mom told me). My daughter has a ton of sensory issues. Her super precocious brother had weird habits like spinning , head banging, eating non food and didn't speak til he was 3.5. Both didn't potty train 100% until nearly 8 yrs.
My youngest son is in my control. He has been a DX Migraine sufferer since age 1; so as soon as he became odd at age 3 after being ill, I started to advocate that he needed testing (though I thought he had a stroke). He had seen neurologist for migraines. autism was brought up. After a move to AZ, I was lucky that an old friend's mother was a nurse and she coaxed her boss and our FHP into kicking us up to an expert. And quite an expert we gained. Dr Kessler of SAARC. After onset I really had a problem because unlike if he had been effected all long like my two older kids, his behavior , personality and ability to speak were whisked away within 3 weeks, I even kept calling him a "changeling" for first year since it seemed my absolutely brilliant toddler (he could already read 1st grade level books and had rudimentary math skill as well as his ideas and conversations and behaviors. I rarely watch videos from before the onset since they upset me even to this day) had been stolen and replaced. His high fever for 2 days that required ER I wont say much about.. maybe he was susceptible and maybe was on Asperger/hi function end of scale is why he fell so fast or so an unofficial theory from doctors. a therapist said maybe some signs were present and my own condition led me to miss the subtle signs before the onset.
After he was around 7 his previously buried personality emerged and was very much as before. He still liked to draw. He became very picky eater... a diet so bland they serve better in prison. In recent years he is becoming flexible to introduce former favorites. He has always liked chinese food, most potato dishes and chicken nuggets but his once varied diet narrowed to that.
He has many eccentric quirks that he can suppress for periods of time but not completely. Most are harmless but could be annoying in certain settings. He prefers to wear soft or silky fabrics which are harder to obtain for a male. He occasionally give a verbal opinion but it is random. His lack of being able to communicate reliably or make a correct 911 call is a reason for my highest concern, plus if a untrustworthy 'babysitter' did anything. So I have been stuck in the job free zone since my mother died. She is was a major support person and caregiver. Other than my present day fiance whom he likes very much and will voip call with, the people he trusts are a small number that amounts to a good friend, a guy I used to babysit in my teens (but he is no where near presently). He has NOT liked people I had dated before the current relation. He was ambivalent on his father's family (fun for visits with food, presents and playfulness..heck a regular kid will tolerate people they don;t like in that event..lel), but resistant to go out of sight with any of them incl his father (they abducted him once saying he was not sick, it was my bad mothering ...sigh.. and he has never trusted them since. He still wont go in bathtub type enclosure after slipping ONCE in 2009..it is now 2020) At this point it would be impossible for him to live with any of them peacefully though they are a large extended family that could have been good support. He is highly resistant to getting along with men (teachers, therapists, friends, etc). he likes smaller children and generally women. At 14 he is VERY aware of women. He has been flirty since he as around 10. I can't see a group home style treatment being positive result for him. I never really thought hard about aging until my worry for him came up. I have to maximize my fresh date!
My day to day anxieties are those typical to unemployed status and addition to crazy X that harasses me every 3-4 years. And the added anxiety that the world has moved faster than my coping skills. My autism quirks are reaching debilitating levels last couple years (at least they will stabilize unlike my poor neighbor/friend next door who is deteriorating like a earth dam under her flood of Alzheimer dementia) as far as suppressing phobia anxiety,and a critical inability to comprehend certain paperwork which leads to late turn in once I decide the "right" answer. But maybe that's everyone? How the heck I know what the name of a doctor was when i was 4 years old?! or if they are alive? How the heck can I remember who a manager was at meh job 30 years ago? and of course personal questions that are vague.. so what do they want? Proof of something.. I don't even have a copy of my divorce decree nor know how to get it! But it won't be free.. i know that much. Ugh I miss the Army. Fancy no, stable , yes. Might die? heck i can get killed in a riot or drown or be hit by drunk driver. Less likely to die at war, I liked being deployed. an enemy will only shot me, unlike at home at that era when i might wake up to having my head shoved towards a wood chipper again.

So that is the past and recent me.
Current me is trying to maintain a stable environment , move forward in all life points, and start planning for a safe and independent future for my lovely youngest son while getting enough social stimulation to not become a complete recluse.

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Replies to "HI! Original DX of Asperger's was in 1967, . Therapies until I was "cured" in 1970..."

@dowagerginger I welcomed you on another post you made, but wanted to acknowledge you here. You certainly have had an interesting time of things. Do you have any type of support, that is, a place to turn to for advice and ideas, in your area? I imagine it is frustrating at times, and having a source locally to reach out to might be of help to you.