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Meet others living with autism: Come say hi

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Dec 27, 2021 | Replies (149)

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@mamacita - will you explain more about what you mean by a neurotribe?

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Replies to "@mamacita - will you explain more about what you mean by a neurotribe?"

Somewhere along the line a few brilliant investigators (names vary but I will supply them) had decided they were not satisfied with the staus quo or the "party line" where it concerns Autism or ASD.

Not satisfied with labelling children as well as adults as "disabled " simply because they appeared to have some behavioral issues inbolving the senses. "Sensory" issues.

Not satisfied at all as a matter of fact because many of these same children myself included tested at genius level in widely varying areas.

Disabled. Or genius. Could it be both? Even in the same person? Yes. And yes.

Some brilliant neuroscientists decided to investigate this issue. What they concluded was that the "Neurotypical " brain and the "Neurodivergent " brain are basically two different operating systems. Think machines.

The majority of Earth's inhabitants fall into the typical category. Some of us ( yay whoo hoo over here !) find ourselves in the divergent category.

As Temple Grandin says "Not less than but different. "

As my first boyfriend said after I'd had dinner with his family....after I had asked him what they thought about me...

Well they liked you.
But they rhink you're different.

Ok. I should have had a clue right then and there.

To be continued....
Love and light
Mamacita Jane

autism is part of a larger group of Neurodiverse conditions and we all have linkage through changes in biochemistry, hormonal impacts, stressors, comorbidities and impact from the brain being made during the birth. We have links to OCD ADHD, CLINICAL DEPRESSION SCHITSOPHRENIA. We are all linked by changes in electrical circuitry, hormonal and biochem and nerve synapses and the changes in neurons sending signals and excitability and in us extreme temperatures.