← Return to Ertapenem



Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Dec 23, 2019 | Replies (5)

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He saw his infectious disease doc last Friday and was taken off the Ertapenem IV. The doctor did not think the swelling in the feet/legs was a side effect of the Ertapenem but the swelling has now subsided....... I only asked for comments from people that had taken Ertapenem and if they had swelling of the feet/legs when doing so. I appreciate any and all comments from anyone that has taken Ertapenem in the past or is currently taking it in regards to any swelling in the feet and/or legs.

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Replies to "He saw his infectious disease doc last Friday and was taken off the Ertapenem IV. The..."

@charlena I’m glad to hear that your husband’s swelling is down and he’s off the Ertepamen. What is he getting now?