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I intend on reminding the Wyoming legislature (committee) why they need legislation to prevent this very thing from hopefully continuing in Wyoming. Wyoming is leading the suicide rate in the nation at over twice the national average and climbing. I was actually told by the don’t punish pain rally National coordinator that she thought WY didn’t have a problem with chronic pain services. I almost cried. I wondered to myself if she’d even bother to ask anybody in Wyoming with chronic pain. It’s not too hard to find us if you really look. But then again I didn’t even know about that don’t punish punish pain rally group at all. As far as I’m concerned there’s no one to really take responsibility for this type of situation except the government and their stupidity when it comes to enforcing some thing that isn’t supposed to be enforced anyway. All I know is chronic pain patients are the forgotten group when it comes to pain management. Other pain patients get pain relief without asking for it. 1. Acute pain patients a.k.a. I break my arm, I get pain relief. 2. Surgery pain a.k.a. I have an appendicitis or I need my knee worked on, I get pain relief. 3. End of life pain a.k.a. cancer pain Alzheimer’s or horrendous other types of end of days pain, I get relief. But when it comes to chronic life-changing, life altering pain, we are lumped in with at”ducts, drug dealers, bottom of the barrel criminals, and people on meth who are seeking things that rank us with the worst people on the earth. We are not thought of it remembered as US citizens who want to make our lives productive. Instead as productive citizens we’re forgotten and brushed aside. We are forced into the pain riddled, mind-numbing creatures that they are forcing us to be without relief. And then lumped into a group of inhuman, unconscionable addicts and criminals of which we do not belong. And that, my friends, is the biggest crime of all.

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Replies to "I intend on reminding the Wyoming legislature (committee) why they need legislation to prevent this very..."

Wow, so well said Renee. So well said! You should be a national spokesperson for all the chronically pain suffering honest yet struggling folks who are being punitively brutalized by the stupid laws the legislatures (talk about mind-numbing creatures) pass. 😠
