← Return to My Cochlear Implant - a journal


My Cochlear Implant - a journal

Hearing Loss | Last Active: Jul 22, 2023 | Replies (159)

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Having a cochlear implant is a big, momentous, scary, exhilarating, and exhausting experience. Six months in, my life transformed. I’m bird watching and can identify the White-Eyed Vireo, Summer Tanager, Cardinal, Titmouse, Red-eyed Vireo and more by sound alone. We sit 10’ from friends and have lunch and I understand what they’re saying. I can discern a vehicle coming down the hill vs. going up the hill. I understand my grandchildren on FaceTime and the whole family on Zoom. My taste buds have almost returned to normal. Somehow with all of those wonders, I feel a little like an pause or end is coming for this Journal. I wish I could post huge exciting changes every day, there aren’t any. Having a CI is a wonder, a miracle for me, period. I am so lucky.

We are still living in our RV here in the same state park, waiting - like so many others - for a vaccine or the virus to hit critical mass and disappear. I dislike uncertainty and the virus has offered a huge challenge for my meditation practice to managing the uncertainty and my impatience to get on with life. Thank goodness for the 8-week course we started during the early Covid time! I would likely be all kinds of crazy without it. There are good things about being in one place and forced to slow down. I hope each and all of you survive and thrive beyond Covid-10.

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Replies to "Having a cochlear implant is a big, momentous, scary, exhilarating, and exhausting experience. Six months in,..."

@lizzy102 Thank you for all your posts about your continuing experiences with your CI. I've loved reading them AND loved hearing about RV options for women. You're a terrific writer. I'm not considering getting a CI; but reading about your experiences over time was valuable for me and would be even more so for people considering this amazing technology. Thanks to all of the information I've found from reading posts on these threads, I'm a reformed luddite and will be exploring all the new technologies Julie, golden? and others have written about that will help me hear better when it's safe to venture out. Thanks again.Nancy