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Venting a little...Partner shuffles as he walks

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 7, 2022 | Replies (13)

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This is funny...sometimes. A lot of elderly (male and female) shuffle because of a host of aging , medical and balance problems. My very active, fast walking dad only dragged his feet at home. Mom always complained and he said he was tired. I can’t recall any young people doing that. But I have noticed that elderly men seem to do that more often. Also that seems to be a trait in men of all ages. My guess is that , when that happens, they are thinking about something and forget how to walk properly....sort of like doing two things at once.....and they can’t. Or, for some, maybe just laziness.
Would drive me nuts if I had to live with a shuffler.
Any daggers or shufflers out there ?

FL Mary

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Replies to "@ellerbracke Hi, This is funny...sometimes. A lot of elderly (male and female) shuffle because of a..."

@imallears I am a shuffler. Have been most of my life. It's a habit. Keeping my feet close to the ground helps assure my balance; loss of balance is a fear of mine. In 2018, when a friend saw me walking on the treadmill at the gym she made a comment about not picking my feet up. My response? "I'm checking the grass for snakes". Works for me, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Rather than whining about shuffling, be happy that those we love are moving around at all.

Stuck living with MIL.
It lets me know when she's coming!