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Neuropathy & Exercise

Neuropathy | Last Active: Feb 10, 2022 | Replies (318)

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I whine too much about my ailments. It really is a blessing to be able still to do the yard work. My riding mower had 2 flat tires, so I can't use it until I get to the tire shop and have them repaired. That's going to happen Monday. I'll be glad to get it serviced and mowing again. The grass is getting higher every day, but I don't want to walk behind my regular mower all the way around the lawns. I am trying to get the landscaping more maintenance free because I know the day will come when I won't be able to do all that I'm doing now. Maintenance free takes a lot longer when I plant small things that have to be tended to until they're mature enough to make it on their own. But I'm gradually getting there. It's nice to step back at the end of the day enjoy seeing the day's progress.


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Replies to "@rwinney I whine too much about my ailments. It really is a blessing to be able..."

Jim, I'm good at whining too! And like you, I have started working at easing the time and physical effort required to keep my landscapes cared for. The other day, I mowed my small bkyd grassy "patch" with my electric mower. I need to use the weedeater in the alley but saved that for another day. It took longer to move the mower from the garage to the bkyd and back than to actually do the mowing. So glad I landscaped my front with patterned concrete and left only a few flower beds. The back is another story however I've begun to add more low growing shrubs and ground covers.

I really miss being able to work in my garden. I used to love to plant flowers in the springtime. Now I just look out the window and enjoy the birds coming to my feeder.

Hello @jimhd. Hey, whining is ok once in a while...we all get it out of our system. It's how we rebound from the whine that matters. Maintenance free is huge! I think pushing to do what we can do , for as long as we can do it, is important.

I'm in a chess match with my body. Trying to figure out the proper balance of movement and forced rest. I'm not doing too well, which brings me to think maybe it's more than SFN. My decline baffles me as I don't read posts that line up with my situation.

Central sensitization is my only thought that may make sense. I hope to find out when I eventually get to Mayos rehab program. I also have a 2nd opinion Neurolgist visit in July...if that comes first.

I'm loving your excitement and focus about your yard. It may bring some repercussions but, is so healthy to have. Enjoy and be well.