Good afternoon @albiet, Thanks for your sensitivity about my time. I didn't see any more posts from you about this subject, so I will share my experience and let you know what dosages and products I now find very helpful.
My experience tells me that for the medical cannabis user there are really only 2 and possibly 3 products that seem to fit the bill. They do not include, edibles, beverages or flower.
My morning begins with a 2:1 CBD/THC tincture. Start with 1/2 dropper and increase as recommended. Make sure you have something in your tummy and this product will be your best product for pain control. If you use the method of holding the tincture under your tongue you may or may not feel effects in 15 minutes or so. If you swallow the tincture it has to go through your digestive system and takes 45-60 minutes. Make sure you purchase it from a legal, authorized dispensary. Legalization increases the opportunity to regulate the growing and harvesting of the plants. (A hot as you can stand it shower is also at the beginning of my day.)
My morning also includes a 3:1 CBD/THC balm on my hands, wrists and lower arms. I have been using this product for several years. It shuts off the tingles and needles for 1-2 hrs. Better than the 15-20 minutes for lidocaine compounded creams. I probably use this product 3 times a day......with the last application at bedtime.
Midday.....I up the dosage for a 1:1 CBD/THC tincture. Start using the 1:1 with just 1/4 dropper and work up.
Bedtime....another 2:1 tincture.
How has this worked? It is my anchor to the world as I know it. I have learned to keep the pain under control, by being more aware of my physical condition and then making adjustments in the cannabis dosage.
Let me know what follow up you still need. When do you see your physician? Have health and wellbeing. Chris
@artscaping thank you so much for your detailed schedule and info on medical marijuana. I’m sorry I haven’t responded earlier but just saw the replies. I did start a new thread on cbd and need to go there also to see if anyone has posted. I went to the neuro that specializes in SFN and pn. He wants me on lyrica but I’m holding off as long as possible. I upped my imipramine to 200 mg 2 days ago. I was at this and also 30 mg cymbalta earlier in the year but had to cut back as I was getting tremors. Going back to 200mg imipramine has helped me sleep at least 5-6 hours the last 2 days. I’m feeling slightly better but know it’s short lived. I still don’t know why tinnitus has started this year and increased steadily. I was told also that my back has 3 really bad herniations - 1 cervical and 2 thoracic and should see a neurosurgeon . Said don’t think I need surgery right now but should see him now so you know who to go to as it will one day become a problem. Have to get signed up medical marijuana to try