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how long have you been on gabapentin. any side effects? im am scared of that and lyrica but realize that may be my next step.

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Replies to "ruth, how long have you been on gabapentin. any side effects? im am scared of that..."

I've been on Gabapentin for about 6 weeks. My doctor stepped me up every week - 100 mg; 200 mg; 300 mg. At this early stage, 300 mg once a day has relieved my pain. I still have some stiffness in my feet and the popping popcorn sensation in my legs, but the burning and other pain is gone. My side effects were a bit unusual as it caused me insomnia when I took it at night, but if I took it in the morning I felt totally zoned out. Trial and error has resulted in a 6 PM dose that enabled me to sleep with a sleeping aid. Tonight I start trying to sleep without that aid. I also remember feeling a sensation in some of my muscles like a pulling, tugging, or tightening that was strange. It didn't hurt and wasn't so big that it was observable, but I could feel it. That sensation is gone now.

Gabapentin gets a lot of bad play, but I didn't hesitate to give it a try because I was tired of the pain. I think for every horror story there are a thousand success stories that we don't hear about because no one is posting them on the internet.

I'v been on 200 mgs of gabapentin for three weeks. Before that I was afraid to take it but finally gave up trying to tough it out. Now I take it only take it at night. I still have break through burning at night so it hasn't relieved that, but , for the most part, it helps me to sleep. I don't know about lyrica as I haven't tried it, but probably will down the line.